The disease: causes, symptoms, stage of the disease. New treatments for the disease

Arthrosis (arthrosis deformans nacionalnata the title salt) is chronicity a blast of slobovia, the degenerative-dystrophic caracter in the cou is not unistuse of globnet ' skawica, capsulate shabot, deformity of the kockice.

Necessary, and that the napomene CHILDREN arthritis is a group of bolesti of slobovia to the razlichni koreni and the mechanismi of the zatvorite. Nacestid in the Kulinoto arthritis in golemi zglobove:

  • deforming arthrosis of the Kulinoto zaednicki (gonarthrosis),
  • deforming arthrosis of the hip zaednicki (coxarthrosis)
  • as the arthrosis of the Ramo zaednicki.

The egg is natascia Vidovi of arthritis.

Arthrosis of the malita zglobove all porecki. Powee honor of deforming arthrosis of slobovia to the interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal razete slobovia, unfortunately. Patientia izvesta of the units in the interphalangeal slobovia, mamalove in the nivnata mobilnost, paawat in the blizina of globalite plombe (noduli Heberden and Bouchard). In this form of arthritis and of the council of Europe, the more AJ will posturite person. Honor for all NAAT in arthritis globuli on the nozet.

For polyarthrosis, or a generalizion the disease, and karakterisere with lesie on powee zglobove.

Arthrosis of slobovia to the 'rbatt - spondylosis - priyaa by a group of sabolova on the' rbatt, iako e-mail is easy in comparison to other arthritis mechanism of rasva.

Glavnica Klinicki to the development of the disease an unit in slobovia, mamalove for netinet podvijnost. Specificni simptome CE utvrdili of the country, the stage of the disease, and that, depending on the od of the Stepinac destruktivni promeni in zaednicki.

The reason for the paava a disease

The disease is divided into primary and secondary. Based on (idiopatica) osteoarthritis e posledica a Narusova of regenerativity Procesi, and zgolemuvanje of degeneratia of a ' rovinata in zaednicki no caqui to beat abnormality in the Caloto to the body. Sekundaren disease CE AVEVA, the results for other pathologic processi at the Organismo or Vee Osteen, in what is Nadorshin vliianie zaednicki with a delanno unistuse of globnet povrsini.

Honor of traumatic arthrosis of the e diagnostician AJ mladi in pazienti. And AJ in pazienti posture of the body is not sekogash e-mail can be, and that, padgate acne linea pomeo primenite and secondarythe the disease.

Iaco tocineta the cause of arthritis is not Mauger Yes se utvrdi the faktorite that pridannikova on paava and rasva e a good poznata.

Yes, The man oderate Ledneva Vidovi of the reasons that pridannikova for the primary, and in the middle of a school of deforming arthrosis.

The reason for the premarin osteoarthritis, crown mill

Otkri Lednice crown Narusova, who mogat To predizvicite razva of the primeniat disease:

  • genetski Narusova, in Rivista Divo zaednicki in the dovedova to the nesina on the BRT unistuse;
  • vradini of the malformatii of the musculoskeletal system (zaednicki hypermobility, dysplasia, rumney scapula, ITN.), in itself, a reason to Dream of a pojedinacne delovi od ' skavica Divo, and sledstvie of It, in the pochetokot of the disease.

They Bechet, isto Taka, Istana child care deforming arthrosis of the interphalangeal slobovia on gornice the extremitati CE New pretezno AJ got married, and naslediya of the prek women's linea.

The reason for the paava a sekundaren disease

Sekundaren the disease and e the result of the statuae in zaednicki. These damages Mauger To the bidat predizvici od razlicni work.

  1. Mechanica statuae of slobovia. On this Grupa a factory vklucaja in the razlichni zaednicki damage, intraarticular fractures, BACK vlie, and the structurata in zaednicki. The result of istiot CE dobiti with Pastora micro-trauma to the globalite pride premodern postan friends, both static and dynamic (for example, AJ sportisti). Isto Taka, promtovarov, and the trauma of globalite predizvicite to desalinate.

    Each and every factor in the need to is a bad vliianie VRZ slobovia (especially the hip) is the wrong drgee of the teleto.

    Structurata the zaednicite isto Taka, Mauger, To break the chirurgia.

  2. Bolesti of slobovia. Arthrosis Mauger To the sink posledica of an inflamatory of the zhloby bolesti (acute and chronicity of arthritis, synovitis, aseptic necrosis based on kockice, ITN.)

  3. The metaboliki Narusova, the endocrine bolesti, a lack of the mineral in the Organismo. Pereletova do not block the metabolismo, a deficiency of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals, vitamin, and traga elementi preciselywhat promeni in the sostavit to koska, and the ' skawica, sinovialnaja tecnost in the dovedova to arusuvai for a restorative Procesi, and gradually unistuse culinate.

  4. Autoimmune sabolova (git, chondrocalcinosis, hemochromatosis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis), hormonally Narusova, estrogen deficiency in a postmenopausal being married has brought on a promeni, in the diwata of slobovia, and the newnote progresive unistuse.

  5. Vasculary sabolova (atherosclerosis of krvni sadovi of the dolnice in the extremitati, obliterating endarteritis, Presidente bolest), and the visiokatu reaktivnost predizvicite low circulatia in the periarticular wild will siromasna snabduvawe with the EOC to the diwata of the zaednicki rezultira a degenerative promeni.

Mechanismat the razvivaet of the disease

Osteoarthritis on x-ray

Rasool of the disease Zapadnova " the skavica on the Costa. CE veruva CHILDREN in the pochetokot there is the claim of circularity kruta, in the capillary Podhradie slo to the periosteum. As a Mota of the 'skavica and the ASPIRATION that you in the pramot of the hronline issue of the sinovialnaja tecnost in the neposredna blizina of cockenoe wild in the circularity kruta predizvicite' revista gradually, and the failure of the elastichnost, stanova potency, Palatine, rememberest of globnet povrsina e in danger, THE Namalwa snoot on the sinovialnaja tecnost, obezbeduvawe at lishae, in zaednicki. Rezultatet e Bolek and Britania where you linked from. The width zaednicki space is a step-by-step, and that the Namalwa, rabbite at globnet povrsina formiruet drizzle fog kosice Sheila-osteophytes.

The Kroot cristata, zaednicki stanova in definirani, the amplitude of the degee CE Namalwa. So, rasva of the involutive disease povrzani the streeet. Rasool in this form of the disease, the regular CE slucuva phased out in tacot for a number of years.

The other the formation of arthritis in golemi zglobove, for example, post-traumatic, post infective, metabolic, pianta imaat Malka of the razlichni the mechanismi of the razva, but rezultatet e East promeni in zaednicki.

Simptomele of the disease in slobovia. Scenata and Stepinac for the disease

"Klasican" is a klasifikacia of the disease VRZ Osnova at Klinicki, and radiographic caracteristics. In the saglasnost with It, postout three-fazi at the bolesta razva. It odgovara in the klasifikacia spared Stepinac in the zashtita work capacity, CE razlichat the 3 stages of the disease:

  • As a class of disease - bolest isn't going sprecava izvrsavam at work, yako, and go to the right
  • Section II of the disease - bolest you sprecava izvrsavam to work
  • Oddelenie III disease obrechennost.

Age To the razgledam Klinicki simptomi, and snazy for arthrosis in the secoa of these fazi

Disease 1 unit (pachatata-stage arthrosis)

At the pachatata stage bolesta in the morning the clock in the odmor, oznaceni vacanies, ominato digee on globalite, which gradually, by the council of Europe, the adviva a certain amount of time to pochetokot of the degee. Mauger To postout some ogranicava in zaednicki. There, postout "start-up" entities, when singing the theme to baulk pocne, and that you are moving to for a long so stop in odmor). Ostry Digia zaednicki trpci, but I would. In the bolkata at this stage of the disease and the ASPIRATION paavola yourself when snachala, and the continued stress, and that's smirova to odmor. The smell, in the light nocivos in the waiting Bolek. At this stage, bolesta, patientia repetition of ODT on Lekar.

X traci, for the disease is 1 unit, snachala promeni in zaednicki not CE vedlivy, ponekogas Mauger Yes se ViDi with small osteophytes of the rabbite in zaednicki the zaednicki space e Malka nacuva.

Arthrosis of the 2nd level (the second-stage arthrosis)

The pentamaran razva of the disease Bolek stanova snachala, stanova acute. Posebna Britania in zaednicki CE paavola at the screen digea, tamu e-mail zabelezite ogranicava in slobovia (contracture), funkcionalna skatuve in nogata, Narusova biomechanical a degee, but, mobilnost, e Uste odrzava. At this stage, the ASPIRATION karakterisere of the oznaceni of golemi in the honorable Bolkiah, tie stanovit acute and bovee continued. Under the vliianie newnata on the physical activity of the CE paavola postan Zamora, a sense of pritisok in the zacagnini slobovia, postout, t.m a n. "mehanicki Bolek", predizvici the namalowane on amortizatio tecnove on the ability of the ' skavica wild.

Unistuse the zaednicki of the council of Europe's dosta snachala, slobovia CE a wee pocnuva delanno to the CE deformer.

The X-ray of the osteophytes widlife vedlivy, tecnove in zaednicki a space of 2 to 3 people in one of the normat, waiting for subchondral sclerosis of the Coskata and formerie on a cistica suplini in the epiphyseal region.

Osteoarthritis of grade 2 se caracterizar with namalowane work capacity, nesposobnost to izvrsava the odredjene Vidovi on the job.

Arthrosis at oddelenie 3 (tratata-stage arthrosis)

The disease oddelenie 3 e teshka, napredna stage bolesta. At this stage, the postout:

  • snachala deformity of the zaednicki (doli of the rastot to koskie, and acumulaci on TechNet at the glabrata praznina);
  • Ostry ogranicava of Dwight, vkluchay wadee self oscilla;
  • the acute units, it is not caused by the where is, however, a isto Taka, it is in the sostoa a closen odor - resistant Bolek povrzani the achievements spasam of the acolyte musculi, as rasva reactive synovitis;
  • a bit of globalite
  • chuvstvitelnosti of slobovia, and that the Bremenskie promeni.
  • Musculine about Kulinoto spasmatic, and etravirine;

At oskat in nogata, e determinano, znachitelno varus or valgus Krivine of the leg (t is. in the form of BAKWATA "O" or "X").

A radiografia in the disease oddelenie there are 3 e recisi celosno ischeznovenie the zaednicki room, teak deformity of globnet povrsini, the Golem powee marginalnye osteophytes. Not Mauger Yes se utvrdi zaednicki the gluvce strannovato, and paraartikulyarnye wild.

In the right oddelenie 3 bolest napedowe long-distant, and in honor of That e-mail a wee predizvici trane nesposobnost. CE manifester of the Ledneva of the project:

  • bolkata stanova postoyna and bolney odee, especially nadolo and katuwe to Scully Mauger To sink Tesco a position to pacientu;
  • a strong Britania sound at the screen digea, a lot of costo all slushat a third party;
  • deformatia of globalite strongest in israsena, dizee e limited ourselves to the Edna small in amplitude, or a fool, and is not possible;

Slicice pokazyvaet unistuse of globnet is a structure (ligamentitis, and meniscus), and complete the abrosia of the ' rovinata and snazy for multiple sclerosis (replace funkcionira of an organite, and the structurethe of the cvrsnica tkivo).

Arthrosis of 4 degrees

Sostoa a celosno unistuse the zaednicki with the disease, when zaednicki singing the theme to the prestana To funkcionira celosno the honor and the ASPIRATION isdown - 4 Stepinac of the disease. Wait for the t's.h. "blockade of the zaednicki" - an acute Bolek, cou is not able to dope, and with some pacientu digee on the parazite. Cetvrti grade of the disease, e pridruzene the nepodnosljiv baulk at slobovia, which is not mogat Be bidat odstraniti dope with the Moken painkillers, and you can be proud of having such a lot of fizichka terapia. Able to total ankylosis (fusia to the zaednicki or newartriot (formiae on the laini zaednicki mega naselenie a crack at koskie). Nezavisno degee of data in the case of the e recisi it.

At the slicks on the widlife aramni povrsini soslanovna experience with teshka cystica of the prosvetitelstvom accretion of the powersave in the drizzle fog kosice district zaednicki area. Razva of the bolesta at this stage recisi on the sekogash so obrechennost, ARMS, Mauger Yes se spreci yourself the implantatio of the vestacke protecci zaednicki.

Tretman of the disease

Tretman of arthrosis in the pachatata stage bolesta

Pacnet Can lacouvee of the disease podobro e can be pocoro on prvite of znati in the country in slobovia, potestati, in the dvigaet. At this stage, korisni manufac - chondroprotectors child care se odobri the structure of the rovinata, and vitamin-Mineralni complexi.

It is important that the terapeutici the vibe, right, ishrana, and preventive measures. Necessary, and that the napomene CHILDREN prevencia of the disease from the Golem than it is To se spreci Vlasova on bolesta.

Tretmant of arthritis, the 2 - to 3-degree

Iaco celosno, and that the treating arthrosis of 2-3 degrees is possible, but it procesot the razva Mauger znachitelno zabavi. Tretman at the arthrosis at this stage, vklucaja Lednice cekori:

  • odstranovat or the other, namely, the bolkata
  • for the Blagove the vospaleniya in zaednicki.
  • on the other podobry regeneratio of the ' rovinata and is Sabawi degenerative Procesi in It.

In the acetate phase of the tretman of the disease, all the Zapadnova, with Bolek. For all this, the ne-chormanski anti-inflamatory medicine line (NSAIL), analgetic. It may be intra-glabrata injectii of corticosteroidi. Neophodno e-mail it To you, namely, tawaret in zaednicki, the Wii is not Mauger Yes Odie, or a stoat, a lift Teske items.

For povlekuvawe of acute Bolek the main purpose is To se obezbedi to Stepinac to co. e, may aktiviere on the regenerativity Procesi in slobovia, and periarticular wild: podobrana circulatia, the Shalamova metabolismo, mamalove in the vospalitelno Procesi. Dogelene chondroprotectors, vasodilator hearse, as well, measures to gymnastics, and fisioterapia.

Tretman of the disease in 4 grade

At this stage, bolesta zaednicki a recisi celosno the unisteri. In the new, slusa, to remain with Edna Optia - chirurgia Pocono zaednicki the teeth. Implantat, znachitelno the podobrala the podvijnost of slobovia, vozmozhnoi mu in-pacientu To continue the active stomach Look, and that osloboditi od units.